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cyrillic-to-translit-js - library for converting cyrillic symbols to translit and vice versa

cyrillic translit converter symbols javascript js-library github english


At this post, I would like to promote my another javascript tool which popular is growing on Github for the last couple of years. I believe that topics which GitHub introduced on 31 January 2017 really help to promote your projects on this platform. I believe that almost all my projects gained a lot of starts because of this awesome feature.

I've already wrote about awesome-it-films and cordova-plugin-proguard which I'm proud of. And that's time for another js library tool. Welcome cyrillic-to-translit-js!


cyrillic-to-translit-js - is ultra-lightweight JavaScript library for converting Cyrillic symbols to Translit and vice versa.

Originally I've developed it as a converter for article titles for my blog. But for more than 5 years lot of awesome contibutors made their impact on this tool and now it support presets for Ukranian and Russian language.

(P.S. Support for other languages are also welcome. Do not hesitate to send your PRs.)

// Russian
cyrillicToTranslit().transform('Привет Мир!');

// output:
>Privet Mir!

and starting from v2.0.0 was added Typescript support.

Now with the support of open source community, we've reached the awesome release of v3.0 which introduced translit to cyrillic converter:

// Russian
cyrillicToTranslit().reverse("ulitsa Soyuza Pechatnikov")

// output:
>улица Союза Печатников
// Ukranian
cyrillicToTranslit({ preset: "uk" }).reverse("Rozghon Uliana i Harashchenko Khrystyna")

// output:
>Розгон Уляна і Гаращенко Христина

I'm so proud that my repos become popular on Github and definitely let's move on and keep going to create new awesome stuff!

If you want to contribute feel free to take any open issues from the list.

Stay tuned and try demo page :)

Happy converting your cyrillic/translit symbols! ✌🏼