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How to create, debug and deploy your MS Teams apps using VSCode

microsoft teams msteams debug deploy vscode extension react english


In this post, I'd like to conclude all my experience in creating a VSCode extension using ReactJS. I've worked on the creation extension for MSTeams from the scratch and twitted the post into Twitter every time once it reached 5/10/20k downloads. I'm so proud of it :)

At the moment while I'm writing this post Microsoft Teams Toolkit already reached out 26k downloads!

While our team has been developing this product we've faced with a pretty lot of issues related to the integration of ReactJS and internal VSC API. I've tried to describe process some of the common issues in my recent posts:

Microsoft Teams Toolkit

The Microsoft Teams Toolkit extension enables you to create, debug and deploy Teams apps directly from Visual Studio Code.

MS Teams Platform is one of the fast-growing products, so if you want to create something which will be used by a lot of people, so you definitely should try to use this platform.

This VSCode extension will helps you to start and rump up with your app pretty fast. I'm going to try to create something for this platform in near future too. I have some ideas for my new apps, so probably will post about my whole lifecycle experience here :)

Microsoft Teams supports developers who are creating new apps for the platform, so you can check this MS Teams dedicated DevPost resource and participate in new challenges as well.

Happy creating/debugging/deploying new Microsoft Teams apps! :)