How to add dynamic data badges from
awesome-it-films json badges endpoint markdown frontend english
As I wrote in my recent post Let's make "Awesome IT Films" popular again! I've got a nice achievement which stimulate me to do more features for this project.
One of this was born in discussion in thread issue More useful badges? and in one day I've got PR with interesting idea Added badges for number of movies,tv-series and documentaries. but implementation could much to be desired.
So here I would like to describe how to achieve it without any pain.
I believe everybody knows about and how to create find and create nice badge there. If you still didn't know about this service check it now. It provides also nice feature to create dynamic badges based on your endpoint via their API. That's exactly what I want for my task.
In my case I just count javascript objects for each entities: movies, shows, documentaries and create badge_endpoint.json in gulp task.
have to be with required and proper fields how id describes in endpoint manual.
After that on the same page you need to validate endpoint.json
file. For that you need to put a link on raw json file and will generate link for badge which you can use wherever you want.
In my case I'm putting it in file like this

Happy creating badges! :v: