Windows 7 HotKeys
windows hotkeys english
I would like propose to your attention the list of hotkeys, the use of which makes the work with the Windows 7 more usability. Some hotkeys may be available in Windows 8.
Manage windows
- Win + Home - Minimize/Maximize all windows, but active. («Shake» the window)
- Win + Space - Make all windows transparent
- Win + Up - Maximize active window full screen.
- Win + Down - Minimize active window or restore previous size, if it maximized on full screen.
- Shift + Win + Up - Expand the window height (drag the bottom border of the window to the taskbar)
- Win + left/Right - Take the window left / right side of the monitor, or restore the size (drag the window to the left / right all the way)
- Win + digit - Run the program with that number, or switch to it.
- Shift + Win + digit - Launch a new copy of the program under this number (click on the wheel icon).
- Ctrl + Win + digit - Switch to the next window in that number (click, hold Ctrl).
- Alt + Win + digit - Open jump list program under this number.
- Win + T(+ Shift) - Switch between all open windows on the taskbar thumbnails in the forward (reverse) order.
- Win + B - Focus on the tray.
- Ctrl + Shift + Click - Run this program as an administrator.
- Shift + Right-click - Show the window menu / group.
Explorer (and Desktop)
- Ctrl + Shift + N - Create new folder.
- Alt + Up - To rise to a higher level by folder.
- Alt + P - Enable file browsing panel.
- Shift + Right-Click (on file) - Adds a context menu item "Copy path" and a lot of additional items in the menu "Send"
- Shift + Right-Click (on a folder) - Adds a context menu that lets you open a command prompt in that folder.
- Win + P - Open setting menu presentation (second monitor - projector)
- Win + (+/-) - zoom in / zoom out (causes Magnifier).
- Win + G - Switch between running gadgets.